Friday, June 24, 2011

toyota aygo sport

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  • imv116
    04-02 03:59 PM
    I can put 100 arguments in support of MS students graduating and trying to get into a new job. Similarly you can come up with 100 other arguments that they are all non ethical and lies.

    It is more costly for companies big and small to hire a new grad, train and eventually have him work on the business and that process is carried only by a minute percentage of all the companies that do business and also they look at elite schools.

    Every MS student has to undergo a vigorous financial crisis situation there by the time they graduate they are left with no choice other than accepting what ever comes there way, at the earliest.

    They don't have the liberty financially as well as law wise to sit and try for 1 year to get into a full time job. Given those kind of situations it is nothing wrong in projecting themselves to certain years of experience.

    At the same, contracting, consulting is all about this. When no party likes, they can always let go.


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  • loti_GC
    06-11 06:48 AM
    Our I-485 was approved on May 30th. Got cards and I-485 notice on Friday.

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  • caydee
    04-20 04:07 PM
    Please email the names with phone #s.....


    We need 4-5 volunteers to make phone calls to IV members in CA. The purpose of the call is to inform and invite IV members in CA about this event so that we all could be well represented at this event. Please post a message or send a private message if you would like to voluneer for this effort. We will provide you with all the information required to make the phone calls to IV members. This task involves volunteering 30-45 minutes of your time. Please help this cause to help us all.


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  • Toyota Aygo Sport

  • Hermione
    09-26 09:32 AM
    It is not about politics, it is about ignorance of the people (including reporters). It is explainable, though - what do you know about... I don't know, laws around transporting hazardous materials, something you have never been exposed or subject to? Next to nothing. That's what an average American knows about immigration - their closest brush with that law was when their co-worker adopted a child from abroad. Of course, they do not know the difference between worker visas, and employment based immigrant visas (don't they even sound alike?).


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  • Slumdog
    01-16 03:34 PM
    In Continuation from above post...

    8:00Am: the last half an hour I was just glaring at my pc & just thinking & not doing any work, I cancelled a vendor meeting at 8:00 as it wasn�t that imp anyway & who know by 9:00 what is gonna happen. Slowly I could see more people coming into office. Each team is slowly gathering in groups & started whispering amongst themselves on what was going on. I could see tension & worry in almost every ones eyes.

    8:15Am: by now I have atleast 15 instant message conversations going on (used internally within office network) with all my friends in other depts. & other offices & every where it is the same commotion. The responses are one liner.. hey, this guy X is out. & responses were like oh no he was such great guy, so this ping pong of instant messages was constantly going across several employees & every minute we hear atleast 2 known persons out of the building. If I could put it in simple way, if I am chatting with some guys & suddenly if that guy stops responding, then it is imperative that he is no longer an employee & it is that bad.

    9:00Am: By now the things were moving more quickly & more rapidly & more people out of building. I don�t know what was the package offered while laying off & I wasn�t even interested to think about it. Every time any manager walks by me or my aisle , my heart stops for few seconds & thinking not me please. I could not take it anymore , it�s been two hours & not knowing if & when will your turn come is really killing. I called my wife & informed about whats going & told her that if I come to house today by noon or early than regular, then it�s over as I have to handover the office crackberry & I don�t carry my personal cell. Don�t know what my wife was going on since then. & she started calling me every 10 min checking to see if I answer.

    9Am-12 PM: This has been going on from past 5 hours & yes I was still not called & someone said that after 12, they are going to stop & it�s over. Every hour passing by I was getting relieved & looking at the watch constantly did not help but it was relief though to hear that it�s going to end at 12.
    PS: the above 3 hours felt like 3 years. It�s tough to put it in writing what I was going through inside during this period.

    12PM: Bit relieved & then the commotion stopped & I could see the managers are relieved. Then someone came by & floated another rumour that it is over for today & they are going to do another round tomorrow & I wanted to scream so loud @$^&(^$#%&*(*^^%&*()))_

    1PM: The remaining employees were called upon by their managers & informed that it is over & no more & not even tomorrow or day after . At least we know for few months for sure. What a relief. The first thing I called my wife & told her. For GC holders I don�t know how you guys felt when you received your GC, I felt at that moment I got my citizenship.

    The whole point of explaining my story in detail is this could happen to anyone, & may happen again to me. So prepare for the worst & prioritize the things which are most important, children health, education, money, parents, etc. Things may look rosy now but from what I have learned in past 9 years living here is �If becoming a millionaire from a slumdog is possible in usa then it is also possible that you can be slumdog from millionaire in no time� I can give you many examples but if you want to try it out yourself, then try to live in this country without car insurance & health insurance for one month.

    I got my priorities set now & believe me getting a GC has become my last priority & if you are curious on what was the priority before it was last but one because I had so many imp things to worry than GC. But at the same time I also want to say without a GC & not knowing when & if I will get it is always bothering me somewhere deep inside ( May be this is what I meant by do you have peace of mind?)

    I currently have script in progress & very soon I am planning to make a documentary on immigrant�s struggle in US .provided I have a continuous job & enough savings & funding and that day I will have a real �peace of mind�.

    And tomorrow the day starts again with a snooze ahwwwww�

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  • Karthikthiru
    09-11 11:03 AM
    It is already approved by Immigration Sub-committe about 3-4 weeks back. It has to pass through judicial sub-committe

    "In a move to fix America�s broken immigration system, the House Subcommittee on Immigration approved H.R. 5882, a bipartisan legislation introduced by Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)."


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  • BharatPremi
    10-25 11:38 AM
    My PD: 07/2*/2003 EB3:INDIA:RIR

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  • Eternal_Hope
    03-09 10:55 PM
    Sri, I appreciate your enthusiasm and spirits. in my view, unless something comes from the IV core ..nothing will happen. people in this forum are too diverse and independent and hence they need strong leadership. and for some reason (we can only speculate),, all that we have from the core is silence

    I partially agree with both you and Sri - while it is true that I have not (recently) written to the lawmakers, and more often than not I vent my frustration here - especially each time the visa bulletin appears and then tend to go on with my life, I have in the past written, telephoned, faxed to lawmakers. Over the past 2 years I have seen bills come and go. I am at a stage now where I have almost resigned to the fact that maybe there is not much that we can do - especially given the low level of participation from members here at IV.

    I also feel that it is time younger members (freshers blood) takes on leadership roles here. IV is a forum which provides the opportunity for enthusiastic people to just go ahead and organize any drive they feel will work. IV leadership will not object, as long as the drive is tasteful and is within all parameters of decency.

    As for older and tired people like us.... we will gladly follow the leaders and assist in any way possible.


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  • Calouste
    07-17 01:32 AM
    Interesting (and scary) article about NumbersUSA and related organizations. Although the article is from 2002, and the numbers will have of course have changed, the article claims that the whole anti immigration movement revolves around a group of about 20 very rich people and a few thousand sympathisers, and that member numbers for these organizations are inflated by dividing the total contributions by the annual membership fee and not taking into account large contributions.

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  • chanduv23
    02-17 09:41 AM
    one of the reason I would like Core Team to consider sending email about the Advocacy Day.... that email will get more inactive member like Chandu who got greened and has no good reason (nothing wrong abt it...most of us do the same) to continue visiting IV. Please consider sending one email on Feb and March.

    If someone gets out because of this email I am sure he/she is not going to work on any IV activities even if IV never sent any email. Those members join IV just for some free advice and nothing else.

    Pappu & StarRun consider this request and let us know where we stand on this. I had collected some content from this forum for flyers ( decided not to pursue further after discussion and advice from StarRun).

    On side note, I agree with Chandu regarding convincing our spouse on these kind of expense and participation is really tough a job. We have bought up by teaching/preaching any activities other than studying (for grownups working) is not worth it.

    A well drafted newsletter - on a continual basis will keep members well informed. A lot of people visit this website only for information, timepass and to rant. Some do serious stuff but most just pass time here.

    Newsletters - will help reach out to wider public. The desi groceries, movie distributors, restaurants send emails and coupons, toysrus, best buy , etc... send emails, coupons, so many organizations do it and I think IV must do it to.


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  • sh2005
    07-13 04:42 PM
    I wasn't going to jump in the debate on what was Murthy's intention when she published that letter. But I can't help noting something odd in the posts where some are claiming she will try to take credit later on for making this "big development" happen. We don't even know what this big development is!! All we have is a posting by the Core Group and couple of attorneys' websites' speculation. I am hoping it's will be a big positive development for us when it is announced, but right now we are counting our chickens before they are hatched and denouncing someone's intention based on speculations and guesses!

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  • goel_ar
    03-21 12:29 PM
    Send me I'm. My prev post was deleted by mod becos they won't allow other websites to be published here

    wow -- why mods don't allow other websites to be published here?


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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    06-18 09:53 PM

    Usually they ask for only copies of all the docs and not the originals.And they may ask to show the original copies of the birth,marriage etc,wedding pics,family pics etc at the time of interviews.

    Hope this helps u,

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  • HV000
    02-22 01:56 PM
    Do NOT blame Googler for sharing some info. for movement of EB quotas!!! People with INFORMATION/NEWS will always get attention. Deal with it!


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  • sledge_hammer
    10-20 10:01 AM
    Thanks gclabor07!

    Highly Skilled workers:

    Ensure high skilled workers trained and educated in the United States have the opportunity to stay and work in the United States upon graduation.

    Reform caps for H-1B visa program to rise and fall in response to market conditions. Reduce bureaucracy and waiting times for workers to arrive in the United States.

    Increase available green card numbers to reflect employer and employee demand.

    Extend the ability for H-1B visa holders to renew their H-1B status while waiting for their green card number to become available.

    Ensure available and qualified American workers are given adequate and fair opportunities to apply for available positions.

    The rest of you guys; tell me this is not good for the EB community!!! Immigrants blindly think that Democrats are somehow the only party that will solve every problem of theirs w/o even looking at their agenda.

    It is a no-brainer, McCain has a plan that will benefit us. I know we have no voting powers, but our support (in anyway legally possible) should be for McCain. Period!

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  • h1techSlave
    03-18 09:42 PM
    USCIS director took the course and he failed. Then he went to Moscow and bought a fake BPD&R degree for $175. No wonder we are in such a mess.

    On a lighter note .

    The USCIS has a 4 year full time course for understanding PD's and restrogression . It is called BPD&R ( Bachelor of Priority Dates and Retrogression ) . This degree is recognised only by the in the US and H1b's are also granted based on this course .There is no education evaluation needed.

    You could also do an MBPD&R and leads to Phd also . You could then join the USCIS and set PD's for the countries .


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  • imv116
    04-02 03:13 PM

    What's wrong in getting trained as a fresher, and what's wrong in a consulting company trying to increase there business.

    How is it different from companies like TCS, Wipro, Satyam, Polaris etc that do a lot of campus recruiting, provide intensive training and place the candidates on projects and eventually coming here.

    To let you know, there are more then 200K masters students coming every year to USA to pursue advanced degrees.


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  • shantanup
    03-16 05:44 PM

    Though I don't like your language and attitude, you have a valid point. I honestly feel that those who have used labor substitution should not get their green cards earlier than me.

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  • Macaca
    06-13 05:23 PM
    Please post your concerns in Employment Based (EB) Skilled Immigration Applicants (

    02-14 09:57 PM
    The current case is over 50% of H-1B issued to Indian and Chinese every year. And that is why now most people here are waiting.
    Do you think RoW H-1B applicants should shout loud and ask for the country limit to be set on H-1B?

    That would be one way of preventing the creation of two different classes of skilled immigrant workers in the workforce. Please note that the distinction between these classes is not based on profession or skill level but based on country of birth.

    It simply defies common sense that the quota is not enforced anywhere in the immigration pipeline except the I-485 approval. I would be more accepting of this policy if it were applied uniformly - while issuing student and work visas, PERM and I-140 applications along with the I-485 application.

    03-07 09:41 AM
    see the responses......

    What if my employer is definitely going to revoke my approved I-140 upon my resignation (past 180 days)? Do I need to file "Notice of I-140 Portability"?

    ---------->>COLOR="Blue"]In this case, you should definitely send the AC21 letter to USCIS. If you send the letter, you employer revoking your I-140 has no effect and the USCIS will keep the AC21 stuff in your file and process/examine it when your date becomes current. If you do not send the AC21 letter and your employer revokes I140, then USCIS will send you a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) and you will have to respond to that in stipulated time of one month. If you are absolutely sure that employer is going to revoke I140, please go ahead and send the AC21 letter rightaway.....[/COLOR][/I][/I][/I]

    Also, in the above posts when people are saying that almost no support is needed from the new employer to keep 485 process going smoothly, is it safe to assume they are changing jobs using EAD and not doing H1B transfer?

    -------->>does not matter either ways for AC21.....H1 transfer or EAD....

    One more question, my employer will revoke my I-140 and my H1B. How long can I be without a job after they do that? Are the above actions of my employer very likely to result in a RFE from USCIS? If so, what will USCIS ask for in RFE?

    ----->>> If you fear of being out of job immediately after leaving job...DO NOT Do This........because as per your say, if your employer revokes 140, then you will get a NOID and you have to respond within a month with another job offer and AC21

    Thank for all the advise.

    Contributed $100.

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