Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ten years in prison

Not cool for school.

Teacher gets prison for classroom touching, phone sex
Woman guilty of indecency with 13-year-old girl.
By Craig Kapitan - Express-News

A former eighth-grade math teacher at Stevenson Middle School was sentenced to 10 years in prison Wednesday after pleading guilty to improperly touching a female student in her classroom and to engaging in phone sex with the teen even after her initial arrest.

Nora Lynn Martinez, 30, agreed to the sentences for online solicitation of a minor and indecency with a child by contact as part of a plea with prosecutors. In addition, she agreed to permanently surrender her teaching certificate and to have no more contact with the student.

Martinez was arrested in January for the indecency charge after the student, then 13, lent her cell phone to her father. On the phone, the father told police, he found text messages from Martinez stating she loved the girl and that she wanted them to run away together and get married.

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