Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • srikondoji
    07-16 05:19 PM
    Iam really not worried about NUMBERSUSA. More than that iam worried about senators who believed such a propaganda and opposed the bill.

    Iam sure now that america is not safe in the hands of such senators who don't do their due dilligence and just believe into lobbysts.
    Shame on such senators.

    they are shameless liars and racists

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  • work4pd
    04-03 10:11 PM
    ?? A new bill in senate to reform H1B ???
    I was just watching LuDobb's show on CNN and saw a clip on a proposed bill (being prepared by Sen.Durbin and another whose name I forgot) to revamp/reform H1B program. From the brief discussion, got the impression that the bill is more concentrated on controlling the h1B program with more checks and rules etc. Obviously Dobbs liked it - not sure if there are any other measures in that bill. Also not sure why another bill if CIR/STRIVE act is in works which is supposed to cover all immigration issues. Anyone else saw any related news elsewhere?

    Also saw this article (sorry if its already discussed somewhere):

    Here is another news link - bs/2100-1014_3-6172981.html?

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  • CT_Green
    09-26 09:56 AM
    This is actually an article by FSB (Forture Small Business) and they have a debate section. Just wanted to make everyone aware. Thanks.

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  • kartikiran
    04-09 03:44 PM
    Hey Pappu,
    What do you conclude of this? Their has to be some rational reason behind them not moving EB2I, it is hard to grasp that they are still working on 2004-2005 PD's. Is their something we can do bring them in more transparency.

    I believe earlier they screwed up and now they are on apposite extreme end, scrutinizing every element.

    On the same note, Kumarc123, it is hard to see them working with 2001 EB3-India category for more than 5 years. 245(i) or not...still 5 about that.

    Anyway, my point is let us leave predictions. USCIS gave their predictions way back in their Jan 2010 bulletin. Maybe we all should stick with what dates they gave us than we trying to predict.

    Now another venting, more calculations, more uproar everything will continue for 1 more week from our members...:rolleyes:


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  • rimzhim
    04-04 03:29 PM
    It is also the favorite trick of anti-green card reform groups like IEEE.
    You are confused on this. IEEE is against increase of H1B visas. They have never said anything about GCs. If they have, show me where.

    Just because the quota got over the first day it implies that the system is abused, right? Let me tell who is abused. People waiting for green card are abused. Not fixing green card delays and deliberately keeping the debate around H-1b is an abuse.

    those who will feel abused are ones with advanced degrees from the US but did not get their H1B only to find someone from India has gotten an H1B. That person will feel abused because of the time (and maybe money) spent in getting the advanced degree.

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  • BharatPremi
    03-17 01:05 PM
    42% of all EB3 Green Card has priority date before December 2003!!! Man I am in deep Sh.. hmm trouble.. :eek:

    No 42% load is before June 2003 and before, in other words before July 2003.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    04-23 04:10 PM
    technically you are an IV member because you have an ID, that you created on your own. You probably went to the meeting with the IV crowd then branched out..good for you. Wonder why the Stanfords and Harvards are dying to admit you:D
    Obviously you seem to be in a very unique situation, and you are taking steps to solve your issues in your own way, nothing wrong with that. good luck, to each his own.

    Read my message - I am *NOT* an IV member and nor did I represent myself as one - like many people I just subscribed to public portal - if you want to limit it to IV members, you must consider doing that .

    As far as talking in the meeting was considered, it was not an IV meeting and open to the public and I have all the right to say what I want to - whether it is inline with what you want to hear or not is not my problem.

    Tone yourself down before you point fingers elsewhere. GC is not your birth right.

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  • newuser
    04-21 07:46 PM
    Could someone post the meeting notes.


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  • nixstor
    09-19 11:14 AM

    I was one of the marshalls, reached Los Angeles like an hour ago. The rally was a huge success, but not upto the expectations from the locals. There is no doubt there is more participation from CA members in both days 17, & 18th and I am not sure what stopped locals attending the rally when they have excellent commuting options to the monument and the capitol area unlike the west coast where we're forced to drive.

    I am sure that the local chapter leaders such as Arun, Sukhvinder, Sivakanth, & others put a lot of time, effort, & money into getting the permits from different authorities, display matertials prepared and delivered on time, and other logistics.
    At the same time, having 6 weeks time for the rally, I think the local chapters in DC, VA, MD, & DE should have taken a bigger initiative in conducting chapter meetings to improve the participation, and volunteer efforts in receiving people from the airports and/or providing accommodations.

    I spoke to one person from CA who came with all the checks written with the names & amounts in advance, and handing them over to the respective members who sponsered others for the rally.

    Thanks to all who made the rally a big success.

    I do support in changing the organization name to "Legal Immigration Voice" immediately.

    I will be writing more in the morning,

    What ever stopped the people in MA/NY/NJ to board the buses stopped the people in DC/VA/MD to get on to the Metro train and come to the rally. Its not the distance, as it may seem to you and me, But Its the lack of will, lack of commitment.

    If people think about San Jose rally and think it was a huge success, people showed up in 2 days yada yada.., there is a diff reason. Does it even need to be mentioned?

    All that I can tell you guys is we did more than our best to get the locals to get to the rally. We can only call/email them or give flyers and let them notify. The final 6 days, our active members had stood out at every place they could and distributed flyers to 3000-3500 people. All the six weeks they have been doing spreading the word.

    I hope your message was just expressing disappointment by the turn out an was not actually questioning the commitment of the people who worked on this.

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  • singhsa3
    03-03 05:09 PM
    Please help me in refining the message: I plan to send to some major media.
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are an association of highly skilled immigrants, waiting for our permanent residency status. There are approximately one million such people in this situation.
    Before we proceed to make our point, we would like you to consider the following facts regarding ourselves:
    • Average age: 30-35 years
    • Average years of stay in the USA (all legally): 7 years
    • Average legal status in the USA: Final stage of the green card (called I-485 stage) and posses employment authorization document (EAD), renewable every year, indefinitely till one gets his green card.
    • Average Salary: $75K+
    • Average net worth: 100K-400K (mostly liquid)
    • Average occupations: Information technology, Doctors and Financial Analysts
    • Average education level: At least undergraduate
    • Average credit history: Excellent

    Note: If needed, we can cite the source of the information, which is from the government itself.

    As mentioned earlier, we are in the final stage of our green card process and at this stage there are very few rejections (<1%). It means that we would eventually get our green cards but it may take several years. Please note that the final stage (called I-485 stage) is the stage, where the applicant has already been found eligible for immigrant visas (aka green cards). Since government can issue only limited number of such visas in a year, the wait becomes long. Please also note that after applying for I-485, people can get their EAD enabling them to work for any employer. The EAD has to be renewed every year and most of us have their EADs

    Even though the chances of the rejection is very low but most people, out of fear, have been postponing any major investment decisions, like buying a house or a new car, in other words, living conservatively. In addition, due to the turmoil in the market, several of us, in spite of our excellent credit history, income and high liquid net worth may not qualify for loans as EAD is valid for only one year.

    Our organization has been urging the government to fix the green card process or at the very least relax the hassles of the yearly renewal ordeal for EADs. Either of these things will bring certainty in our life and prompt some of us to take some big decisions.

    We are writing to you with a hope that our situation will be highlighted and our intellectual and financial potential contribution to this country is appreciated. Please let know if you are interested discussing the matter further and how we can help each other.

    We are conducting a small poll on one of the websites used for organizing ourselves. Almost 60% of the respondents are postponing the decision because of the situation they are in. The poll can be found at

    Yours truly,


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  • starscream
    02-18 04:27 PM
    I did not find any section specificcaly about ending EB or ending H1B , the only reference to H1b is in SEC. 1403. that is for fashion models:

    (a) Elimination of H-1B Classification for Fashion Models-

    This bill is ending H1B for sure, but how will people get EB when there is no h1B or H1B renewal to wait for EB.

    Please add your views about this bill.

    Also, is there a IL chapter for IV?

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  • SunnySurya
    07-28 12:12 PM
    By the way Mr. Chantu,
    Read this


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  • Macaca
    04-04 10:49 AM
    We already have a campaign to call legislators. Please call the legisltaors and inform them about these issues. Thanks!

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  • sri1234
    05-27 11:44 AM
    I wonder what are the required documents for America born citizens if they don't have passports. Just a driver license? or they have to carry birth certificates always?

    I think American Citizens Drivers Licence do not have "Status Check" date where as Non-Immigrants have it.


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    05-15 03:59 PM
    Dont take current year as a standard (unless you believe that things will get only worse from here). About your ROI description, it is very generic. Each person has to take his or her personal circumstances into consideration before making this calculation. Another problem with this ROI calculation being applied to engineers (I am one too) is that our initial salaries tend to be high but we tend to hit a ceiling around the time we hit 30 (what next after project manager or product manager?).

    One more important thing to think about is what do you want to do in life. If MBA can get you there, there is probably not much meaning to this ROI calculation as you cannot put a price on ability to do what you wanted to (and be happy). This is precisely why I said find out why do you want an MBA in the prior post. That is the most important part of this discovery process. I understand that lives change and people change, which is why it is important to talk to people who have "been there and done that".

    I agree this is a bad year but this was an article from 2006. I also completely agree that people need to pursue M.B.A with the aim of improving their skills or with the aim of improving their marketability or future career growth but then once you pay the big bucks it alwyas filters down to ROI. But spending 2 years of one's life at a full-time school shelling out 100's of thousands of dollars (especially if it is out of their own pocket) will make sense only if one can justify the investment in terms of dollars. People expect sunk costs to be recovered in the future. Investment banking and finance offered that opportunity to M.B.A professionals where they could draw anywhere between $300k-450k in base salary alone apart from millions of dollars in bonuses. Going into the future, the current socialistic government will keep tabs on such exuberant pays.

    I weighed all these when deciding to start part-time. I always wanted to be a Mechanical Engineer and I want to be associated with my field for rest of my life. My intent of pursuing M.B.A is to move up the ladder quickly in Engineering/Technology Management.

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  • desi3933
    01-30 02:54 PM

    So if I am understanding this correctly, the time from when I entered US on AP (Dec 08 till today), I am considered out of status?

    NO. You are not out of status because of AP entry.

    From what I understood it is ok to not be working while on AOS having entered on AP.

    Correct. However, USCIS looks for your status history since last entry on non-immigrant visa. 245(k) covers only 180 days for status violation for such period.


    Mr Chanakya Pandit (fictitious name) has filed for eb-3 India in July 2007 for I-485. He has PD of Sep 2005 (not current).

    Mr Pandit entered last on H1 visa on Jan 21st 2006 and he is working for ABC company. As per H1 LCA, his salary is 65k and he is getting paid 62k.

    He entered on USA using AP in Oct 2008. He is using EAD to work.

    Since he was getting paid less athn H1 salary, he is out of status since Jan 21st 2006 and he has accumulating out of status days until date of I-485 filing. If this out of status > 180 days, his I-485 can be denied just on this basis alone.

    If person is out of status for more than 180 days at thetime of filing for I-485, he can denied entry even on AP. Read your AP document, it mentions warning about of out of status right there.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin


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  • zuhail
    03-10 11:25 PM
    I really think that if we just pursue aggressively on one and only item: Recapturing visa numbers, we would succeed.
    The moment you add anything to the bill that is to related to H1B revaildation inside US, eliminating per country quota limits or filing I485 when the dates are not current etc, the bill would be definitely doomed. Strictly no mention of anything else in the bill.

    Also most importantly the visa recapture efforts have to be concentrated for the Employment Based Categories ONLY. If we include the Family Based Category, we would lose the debate due to current high unemployment rate.

    I think that this is the only way to solve the retrogression issue -- to focus on only re-capturing visa numbers for use in Employment-Based Categories for educated foreign born professionals already employed in US.

    I sincerely hope that IV administrative team considers this item seriously and assign the highest priority and start fund raising immediately.

    By the way as for Mr.coopheal, I am not sure how updating my personal profile with all the filing dates accurately would matter at all for our discussion. Who gives a rat's ass about my filing dates anyway?.

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  • Daisy
    10-25 02:15 PM
    My EB3 India PD: March 2003
    June filer

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  • eilsoe
    02-16 07:04 PM

    my WIP screen... gonna add a lot of detail later. :)

    09-21 04:55 PM
    My attorney's office received RFE mail today (Sept 21, 2010). RFE notice was sent on Sept 10, 2010.

    RFE was about deficiency in medical exam report. My doctor is in not USCIS list (he was in list July 2007). Well, I called him and he was busy. I will talk to him again.

    RFE is about:
    1) Provide med exam report from USCIS authorized Civil Surgeon, and
    2) Chest x-ray because TB was +ve

    I had provided both. I guess I'll have to redo. I've to reply by Oct 13, 2010.

    02-04 09:56 AM

    I know ROW country may not like this thread, but look at EB-3 India or China, put yourself in our shoes and than you may realize how unfair this country is. In this unprecedented financial turmoil, I feel there are very remote chances for CIR or any package which increase immigration etc would pass, I am taking this initiative to gather as many people I can and go to washington. Again this is not an IV effort. If you are with me , you can spare some time it could be few days in Washington!! please PM me.
    Again we are not creating any organization or anything, we are not going against IV's agenda. This is also a part of IV's agenda, but for now our sole agenda will be to bring a 2 line bill to remove country quota or increase the country cap(whichever can fly).

    PS : For EB-3 India, unless country cap is removed or increased, you can presume you GC application dead forever...For EB-2 India It'll be a long journey for people with PDs sooner than 2005...


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